jQuery UI 1.7 Now Released!

April 2020 note: Hi! Just a quick note to say that this post is pretty old, and might contain outdated advice or links. We're keeping it online, but recommend that you check newer posts to see if there's a better approach.

Today marks the release of jQuery UI version 1.7. In many ways, this release is the start of an entirely new direction for the library. As core team members and official sponsors of jQuery UI, we’re very proud of the team’s efforts and the result of all of our hard work.

jQuery UI Homepage

So What’s New In the Release?

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In short: a whole lot! Here are some highlights.

  • jQuery 1.3 Compatibility: stable support for the latest version of jQuery.
  • Revamped & Optimized Plugins: every plugin has been rebuilt from the ground up for great flexibility and customization.
  • CSS Framework: our pride and joy. The new jQuery UI CSS Framework runs presentation of all jQuery UI plugins and is designed for custom plugin development as well!
  • ThemeRoller v2: ThemeRoller is redesigned and enhanced for powerful design
  • Demos & Documentation: new integrated demos and docs section for easy browsing and developing.
  • Full Offline Documentation: included with every download of jQuery UI!
  • Major Website Improvements: lots of updates such as a much-improved download builder.
  • Themes Bundle: download the entire set of jQuery UI themes at once.
  • A New Dedicated jQuery UI Blog: http://blog.jqueryui.com

You can read all about the details over at the new jQuery UI Blog.

We find it particularly exciting that the jQuery UI CSS themes are now hosted on Google’s Ajax Libraries CDN. As far as we know, this is the first CSS Framework Google has hosted like this and we’re thrilled at the performance possibilities. We highly encourage you to use the themes hosted on their servers whenever using a gallery theme. Also, you can always link to jQuery UI on their CDN as well, and that continues to be the fastest way to load jQuery UI on the web.

Thanks! Care to Join Us?

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We want to thank the entire jQuery UI team and everyone else in the jQuery community who contributed to this release. We invite you to join our planning wiki to help us on future releases and if you’re interested and able, we would love development help as well! Check out the jQuery UI Development Center to find out more.

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