SouthStreet: a workflow for Progressive Enhancement, presented at An Event Apart Boston

April 2020 note: Hi! Just a quick note to say that this post is pretty old, and might contain outdated advice or links. We're keeping it online, but recommend that you check newer posts to see if there's a better approach.

Yesterday at An Event Apart conference in Boston, Filament Group’s Scott Jehl presented Interacting Responsibly (and Responsively!), which included an overview of SouthStreet, a new project that assembles the tools we typically use to develop cross-device, accessible sites and applications. Luke Wroblewski posted very thorough notes from the session on his website.

Scott Jehl presenting at An Event Apart Boston

About SouthStreet

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The projects in SouthStreet focus in two key themes to help reduce overhead and improve performance in responsive designs:

  • better qualifying the application of enhancements so they’re delivered only when and where they’ll be useful, and
  • improving our delivery mechanisms to ensure that we deliver critical content and functionality as quickly and efficiently as possible, and offer secondary content with best impact and least risk.

Specifically, the projects are a suite of interrelated tools intended to optimize delivery of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images, so that devices are delivered the least amount of code possible while maintaining broad accessibility and support.

You can find an overview of the SouthStreet project at its home on Github. There, you’ll also find a list of related projects that we build that may be useful in conjunction with SouthStreet projects.

And SouthStreet is a work in progress. We welcome comments, posts to the issue tracker, questions and contributions. Let us know what you think, and help us make it better!

SouthStreet Project

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